EU Environmental Enforcement Networks Conference May 12-13 2016

For the first time, four key European Environment Networks have joined together to host a conference, held 12 and 13 May 2016 in Utrecht, the Netherlands, of 194 participants from 35 countries in Europe with the explicit task of working to strengthen enforcement of EU environment and nature law and the compliance chain as a whole.

A high level of environmental protection is one of the fundamental objectives of the EU. The four networks all share the same aim of contributing to improving good implementation and enforcement of EU law that results in the safeguarding of health and our citizens well being.

Working with their key partner, the European Commission, this conference has provided a forum for highlighting common challenges and practical solutions whilst examining case studies that help the less experienced to learn from more experienced practitioners.

The organising partner networks in their closing statement reaffirmed the value of always seeking to make the polluter pay and tracking down and recovering the proceeds of crime; and that they are optimistic about the future of our networks and our ability to provide a strong response, as regards punishment and deterrence to those who might contemplate involvement in environmental crime.

They recommended that European enforcement projects with strong elements of capacity building and training as well as the sharing of information are key practical steps going forward to improve the compliance chain.

Read the press release here.
